Friday, September 25, 2009

Opinions are like.......

Correct if I'm wrong here, but opinions ARE supposed to be different, right? Everyone has them and no one is forced to agree. If everyone had the same opinion, would it not be a fact? And any sentence that starts with "I believe....." would be an opinion, correct? Please clarify any of this for me if I am wrong.

Now, with that being said, if I started a sentence with "I believe", no matter what I said after, why would someone tell me I am wrong. They could have said "I dont agree with you". How can my opinion be wrong? Why would someone call me ignorant because I do not agree with them and say that they are open minded? I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I do not have to agree with them. And I dont expect everyone to agree with me. But I will never tell anyone they are wrong for disagreeing with me.

It drives me crazy that people can be so rude sometimes. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me, but dont shove your opinion down my throat. Thats just disrespectful...only my OPINION though.